The Art Gallery Guardian

Divide and conquer over cyclic groups

Recently we found a divide and conquer algorithm over . We have an efficient algorithm for the case where all the elements are in , the set of units.

Our divide and conquer algorithm basically partition the numbers by throwing them into different subgroups. Assume has distinct prime factors , and for simplicity, define . We partition to , where contain all the elements that’s divisible by but not for any . We recursively apply our algorithm to each in and combine the solution.

This gives us a recurrence relation, and the crucial part of the recurrence involves the following function.

Let be the th smallest prime number, and defined as . If we know that and , then we can show that by induction.

First, we would need a small lemma.


Let be real numbers such that non of them is or , then


Proof by induction, basically for any , so this is true when .



We can substitute , and see the result matches.

It’s also useful to bound .



It uses the facts on sum of reciprocals of the primes.

Apply this to the actual algorithm running time analysis, we would get a blow up of the running time for the algorithm.

Posted by Chao Xu on .
Tags: Algorithm.