The Art Gallery Guardian

Sushi sharing problem

The problem was first brought up by Sam McCauley when I was still in Stony Brook.

Two germophobic friends are sharing sushi. There are two kind of sushi, and . The sushi are lied out on a matrix. There are sushi of type and sushi of type , both are even numbers and . One can pick up a sushi with a chopstick by picking it up horizontally, or vertically. It will touch the adjacent sushis horizontally or vertically, respectively.

Each person want to eat exactly sushi of type and sushi of type , and no one want to eat a sushi touched by someone else. Is this always possible? Yes it is!

First, it’s easy to see each person can pick up a entire row or column, and collapse the remaining matrix. All the remaining sushi in the matrix are clean. We will assume each person pick up a entire row/column.

We prove this by induction. Let be the number of ’s in the th column, and . As long as both friends pick up the same number of each sushi before collapse the matrix, we can go to a smaller case.

Before the case by case analysis, we note of two conditions:

Even sum condition

, it must be even.

Even side condition

Because is even, either or is even.

  • , rotate the matrix.

  • , by pigeonhole principle, for some and . One person pick th column and the other pick the th column.

  • and . If there is no columns with the same number of ’s and ’s, then let to be a set of elements. Now, consider we pick 4 distinct elements from and if , then we can let one person pick columns and the other pick columns . Note if , and we know that and are distinct, and , then must be all distinct. can take different values, between and . There are pairwise sums. This shows there must be at least pairs that both have the same difference by pigeonhole principle when , which is true when . To translate this,

    • If , then this is always true when .
    • If , then this is always true when .
  • and . Since both and is odd, we must have two columns have the same value.

  • . If there is no columns with the same number of ’s and ’s, then in order to satisfy the even condition. But each row would have the same number of different kind of sushi. Let each friend take a row.

  • . This is not possible with even side condition.

  • . This is the last case. If no columns have same number of ’s and ’s, then where and has to equal to one of the following due to the even sum condition. In all cases, .

Posted by Chao Xu on .
Tags: puzzle.